In Peru, 09 out of every 100 adolescents are already mothers or pregnant.
We seek to help teenage mothers from 12 to 18 years of age to strengthen their capabilities, so that they can resume their life projects, for their own benefit and that of their children.
In Peru, during 2022, more than 17 thousand cases of violence against children and adolescents will be reported.
We serve adolescent victims of sexual/family violence, from 12 to 17 years of age, helping them to stabilize the crisis situation they are going through so that they can continue with their life projects.
In Peru, 3 out of 10 adolescents drop out of school due to early pregnancy.
We promote the realization of students' life projects, preventing teenage pregnancies by strengthening the capacities of tutoring teachers and student leaders.
200 thousand adolescents in Peru are mothers or pregnant. 17 thousand cases of violence against children and adolescents have been reported during 2022. Of the students who drop out of school in Peru, 30% do so because of early pregnancy. These are 03 of the biggest problems that truncate the future of adolescents in Peru.
In view of this, we consider it essential to strengthen the capacities of adolescents so that through their own efforts they can achieve a better quality of life. We work with adolescents in vulnerable situations in the Ayacucho region.
of change
We share with you testimonies of teenage mothers, teenage victims of violence and students, all of them focused by the projects of the social organization DIA.
I want to thank DIA for coming into my life. After what happened to me (becoming a mother at a young age) I didn't want to know anything, I didn't want my daughter. But one day, they came like angels into my life. They helped me to love and care for my daughter. Through the video feedback I was able to understand and see my daughter's reaction, I saw how happy she was when I cared for her and responded with affection; I will never forget that. Now I am resuming my life project with my daughter, I am smiling again and, above all, loving my daughter.

I was afraid to leave the DIA Shelter Center, but now that I am with my sister, I thank all the educators at the Shelter Center for everything I have learned, for having helped me to overcome the sad moment I had to live through (violence). Before I felt alone, but now I have all the desire to move forward. At the shelter I learned to raise my guinea pigs, take care of my vegetable garden, I learned to knit, and not to be afraid of psychologists.

If we join in! Anything is possible
You can help us continue to change lives
With your donations: An adolescent mother will be able to continue with her life project together with her baby. An adolescent victim of sexual or family violence will be able to continue with her life, thanks to the specialized attention of a professional. A student will be able to prevent an unplanned pregnancy and realize her life project.

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